Last month, Realme launched a new smartphone called Realme 2 in India. Till date, the company has sold a total of 3,70,000 Realme 2 devices in the first two flash sales. While the naming indicates the Realme 2 to be the successor of Realme 1, it actually came with trimmed down specifications. Instead, the Realme 2 Pro will going to be the true successor of the Helio P60 powered Realme 1. As of now, there isn’t much information available about this upcoming device.
The company has started sending media invites of the launch event that is scheduled to take place on September 26 and 27 September. The invite reads, “We are back 2 surPrise you,” with some highlighted letter that denotes that the next phone will be indeed Realme 2 Pro.
Based on the Rumors, the smartphone will be powered by a 600-series snapdragon processor and will going to be the costliest Realme smartphone. However, it still cost below 15,000 in India.
To recall, the company recently introduced the Realme 2 smartphone in India. The phone comes with a price tag of Rs 8,990 for the 3GB RAM variant, while the 4GB RAM option is priced at Rs 10,990. The phone is available in Diamond Blue, Black and Red colour options. The phone features a 6.2-inch SuperView HD+ display with a screen resolution of 1520 x 720 pixels, 19:9 aspect ratio and a 271 ppi pixel density. The phone features a notch on the top and it is equipped with 88.8 percent screen-to-body ratio.